Thursday, December 03, 2009



It wasnt a grand celebration but a very simple one. Simple celebration doesnt mean that it isnt important to us. It is just that we feel that we are happy everyday and every single day can be a celebration day regardless of what.

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It was a simple celebration but a memorable one! We went for Seoul Garden before training and HAHA! we had the seoul garden smell all over us during the training. My hair smells like OHMYGOD! and honey smells like OHMYGOD! too.

Let me tell you something stupid alright?

Honey wanted me to keep his training shirt for him and on that day i brought the same training shirt. So when I reached the training ground, I took my training attire to the restroom to change. After putting on my training shirt, I realise it was REALLY BIGGGG! Like a stupid pyjamas. Honey kept on laughing at me when I walk out of the restroom to get my own training shirt. AWWWW.. maluu!

Honey is feeling moody this few days and Im so worried for him. Baobao dont sad sad ok? Rachel loves you lots lots(:

give m


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