Sunday, June 06, 2010

Chocusto; FYP project group(:

We're doing on chocolate business. HAHA! Everyone loves chocolate, dont tell me you dont cause you're deceiving yourself!

See! So pretty, so tempting, so AWESOME! My stomach is growling....!!!!!!!!!!!


I gotta go on diet, no chocolates for the time being, and rachel lim PLEASE go for more running okay? Cut down your fatssss! you're getting fatter and fatter, my dear girl.

MST is coming and Im lucky to have only 1 PAPER, can you believe it?? After monday paper, I'll be free to do anything I want and that means I will have 3weeks of holidays rather than 2 weeks! YEAA! HoneyBoy, let's go dating okay? I love dating, i love dating, honey, please date me out, I dont want to stay at home...

To love someone deeply gives you strength,
Being loved by someone deeply gives you courage.
And baby you are the one who gives me strength & courage to brave through every hurdles.
Thanks for loving me ❤

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